
Fairmount Fire Company prides itself on its knowledgeable personnel. Firefighters start with Fire Fighter 1 basic training then move onto additional advanced training throughout their volunteer career including Rescue, Engine Ops, Truck Ops, Fire Fighter 2, Pump Operations, and Emergency Vehicle Ops and so on. All training is paid for by the fire company at either Bucks or Montgomery county’s registered fire schools.Additionally in house training is done every Thursday at 7pm. If you would like to see what we do feel free to stop in any Thursday.

Coverage Area

Fairmount Fire Company serves the Lansdale Borough area. Coverage starts at Squirrel Lane in the north and ends around North Wales Road to the south. West to east the coverage starts at the Station Square Shops and ends at Knapp road and Schweiker Park. Additionally we serve all the surrounding areas via mutual aid requests.

The Journey Begins

Thanks for joining me!

Good company in a journey makes the way seem shorter. — Izaak Walton
